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millions of articles on all topics but is complicated to search. If
you're having trouble, ask your teacher or Mr. Bracciante to help you
navigate it.
EBSCOhost Web: The EBSCO you'll use in College. It's got articles for everything but it's difficult to search.
EBSCOhost Espanol: EBSCO en Espanol.
EBSCOhost Deutsch: EBSCO in Deutsch.
EBSCOhost Francais: EBSCO en Francais
Literary Reference Center: For English papers
Points of View: For Argumentative essays
Business Searching Interface
Novelist: Get book summaries, reviews, and recommendations!
Legal Information Reference Center: Law and Legal Material
Small Business Reference Center: How-to create a small businesses
Explora Primary Schools: EBSCO for elementary school students.
Explora Secondary Schools: Introductory EBSCO. Learn the basics here then try EBSCOhost web.
Explora Educator's Edition: EBSCO for educators.
Gale Databases
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Gale/Cengage have an extensive, subject specific library with many excellent databases including: