Sterling Families and Staff:
The Sterling Regional High School District made a commitment to engage the school community in a relationship-centered, safe, and equitable school environment that allows students to grow academically, think creatively, and achieve a strong sense of identity. Recently, Sterling completed the "U-Knighted Vision 22" Strategic Planning. The results of this planning will help guide the district for the next three years on such things as curriculum, staffing, school environment, and community partnership.
As Superintendent of the Sterling Regional High School District, I would like to continue setting high expectations for our students in regard to academic performance in the classroom, participation in co-curricular activities outside of the classroom as well as responsible citizenship at school and in the community. The Sterling Community has shown strong support over the years, we have an active alumni base, and expect our current students to show pride in their efforts by being active participants in their learning and acting responsibly as an individual in our school community. Involvement is a key element of the total high school experience.
I encourage you to explore our District website throughout the year to learn more about Sterling High School. Our website offers you the opportunity to learn about new events and access the individual links to gain knowledge of our facility, staff, programs, curriculum, activities, partnerships, and other informative topics. Parents, please help us by reinforcing school expectations at home and review our code of conduct with your student(s). With your help and partnership we can navigate the potential challenging aspects of the high school experience. Please be aware that if concerns arise at any time, you may contact the Principal by email or call the main office.
Once again, welcome to Sterling High School! I am honored to serve as the Superintendent.
Matthew Sheehan
2023-2024 Superintendent Goals