College Search, Match & Planning Tools
use this form to help prepare for your post high school plan!
FINANCIAL AID NIGHT will take place at Sterling High School: Financial Aid Night Presentation
Please review the presentation information link above for a comprehensive review of college costs, types of available aid, and the FAFSA application.
Brittany Echt, Assistant Director of Admissions at Rutgers University - Camden, recently visited Sterling High School and shared the following presentation: College Admissions Advice
Earn a great education here in New Jersey, where you can Learn More, Earn More, and Be More! "Going to College in New Jersey"
Helpful tips and data about college costs, programs of study and career paths, and key deadlines for college applications and financial aid can be found here.
Naviance Family Connection is the platform Sterling High School and many other schools use to help students build resumes, explore careers, search and match with colleges, and request letters of recommendation. It will also have local scholarships posted each Spring.

Common App
One application accepted by almost 700 colleges. The Common Application is a not-for-profit organization that serves students and member institutions by providing an admission application - online and in print - that students may submit to any of the almost 700 colleges that accept it.
Big Future College Search
Search and get matched with colleges, explore career interests, and plan financially with this easy-to-use tool!
A Roadmap for College
This interactive site was designed by students for students and has a lot of relevant information about why to go, what to do, and how to pay for college.
The site also helps with the creation of a "roadmap" to college. A useful resource for students and families.
My Future
There’s more to college than mascots and dining halls. Here you'll find info on everything from choosing a four-year, two-year or trade school education to applying and paying for tuition. Click on Tools and Checklists for helpful tips on how to prepare for college from your freshmen year through your college visits and shopping for dorm supplies!
Campus Tours
Take a campus "tour" via video that shows the campus and explains more about the programs and opportunities available to students.

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid is recommended to every student as it rewards federal merit-based and need-based grants as well as loans and scholarships. Parents and guardians can use their prior-year tax returns and begin applying October 1st of their student's senior year.
Prior-year example: If your student is a senior the academic year of 2022-2023 and applying for college for the academic year of 2023-2024, you would be able to use your 2021 tax return. This alleviates the rush to get the current year's taxes finished in time to fill out the FAFSA.
The Higher Education Student Assistance Authority is the State of New Jersey's financial aid resource for state level grants and scholarships. Students will need to fill out an application for this after the FAFSA has been filed. The website also contains helpful financial aid information and guidance.
RaiseMe allows students to begin earning scholarship in their freshman year! They can build a profile that acts as their transcript/resume and continuing adding to it throughout the years. They can earn money for grades, outside of school and within school club, activities, and athletics, awards, standardized testing scores, and even college tours!
Fastweb can help you find your dream school and then help you pay for it. Free Scholarship and College Search Services provided.
Going Merry
"The Common App for Scholarships". A scholarship match tool that only requires you to fill out one application that you can send to several scholarship opportunities.
My College Scholarship
Your source for free scholarship information.